This enchanting fairytale, directed by Theatre Porto’s own Nina Hajiyianni is touring the Big Imaginations network this autumn.

Murray Lachlan Young’s latest epic tale for families.

Our heroes Atom and Luna (left home alone by their mother) are saved from starvation by the arrival of their magical child minder, Iffly Sney.

But Iffly falls terribly ill and only the twins can save him. They must harness the power of the moon and the forest to seek out the mysterious Old Mother Redbeard.

And so begins Atom & Luna’s journey, an adventure that will change their lives forever.

Created by BBC 6 Music’s poet in residence and children’s author Murray Lachlan Young.


Written by Murray Lachlan Young

Directed by Nina Hajiyianni

Designed by Bek Palmer

Produced by Matthew Linley for Funnelwick Limb


BTS Trailer for The Chronicles of Atom & Luna: