Back in 2019, Big Imaginations commissioned One Tenth Human to create Curious Investigators, a cracking adventure created in collaboration with engineering experts from Lancaster University. In light of COVID-19, the team came up with a creative solution to produce a research & development phase that could continue online. This led to a delightful live Zoom adventure, where children and their families joined Toni the Explorer online to help her find a way to return an egg to its nest using recycled materials from home. These digital shows reached more than 1,000 audience members in schools, libraries and living rooms across the nation.  

“It’s been an extraordinary journey making this show – or rather, TWO shows,” says Sarah Punshon, Artistic Director of One Tenth Human. “Initially completely on Zoom, three creatives stuck at home in three different cities, making an entirely digital adventure for families stuck in their own homes. And now finally we’re about to take the finished two-woman show out into the real world for six weeks of touring, meeting families and school groups in theatres, schools, libraries and village halls. We’re so excited!” 

Curious Investigators is now on tour, combining the joy of live theatre with STEM in unexpected and exciting ways, while taking audiences on a wild adventure of discovery!  

“It has been a joy to work with One Tenth Human on Curious Investigators,” says Zoe Pickering, Big Imaginations Manager. “We started this process at the beginning of the pandemic before we even knew what COVID meant. Sarah and her team responded brilliantly, adapting their R&D to online and then creating the most brilliant interactive performance for families that was a real hit across the Big Imaginations network. And now we have the brilliant in person, real life show – it is fun and engaging and I am super proud of what these brilliant lot of artists have achieved.” 

You can catch Curious Investigators at: 

  • Z-arts on 26th February  
  • Burnley Youth Theatre on 5th March 
  • Astley Cheetham Gallery on 19th April 
  • The Met on 23rd April 
  • The Boo on 24th April